“At the age of 16, facing various family issues, I relocated to Kathmandu from Taplejung & though I strongly wanted to study, I had no choice but to give priority to earn. I learnt weaving traditional dhaka-cloth (through wooden loom). Then, I purchased a loom set with all I had. Then 2015 earthquake & with it, additional hardships came. As I had to take care of 6 younger siblings too, I desperately needed to expand my weaving work for basic survival. But with a little status in big city, I was illegible to receive even micro loans from financial institutions, & I didn’t have any network to borrow.

But then the good news came when I was able to meet Together For Nepal team during their field works in my area & after sharing about my situation, later, I was eligible to receive a micro grant & business counselling. With that, I bought additional 2 looms, & then trained my siblings too & my cottage industry gradually grew. Now I own 5 looms which keeps my siblings engaged -as well- for making saris.

We’ve sufficient income to cover our basic expenses now. Besides, so far, we’ve even provided free weaving training to a few economically marginalized women too. I thank Together For Nepal for helping us survive by providing the remarkable opportunity.”

– Sita Lawati, Proprietor, Didi Bahini Dhaka Udyog, Nakhhu, Lalitpur

“I’m 22 years old, & married & have a small son. My husband is presently facing prison sentence over a rape case based on a false charge. We’ve very small plot of land. I was mainly working as a day laborer.

Living in fishers’ community, at times, we do fishing. Sometimes, I also support in agriculture field
works. My situation started to get better after I was provided a 3 months sewing training [late
2022/TFN-PDA project]. That training really gave a great confidence. Besides, the provided start up items (a sewing machine & auxiliaries) have been really instrumental. Now, I’ve been tailoring various women clothing items, facial masks (cloths), sanitary pads & am selling them with reasonable profit. I’m still engaged as day laborer on & off, but with the push the project provided, my earnings have increased & I’m more hopeful about my own & my son’s future.”

-Anisha Majhi, Sahid Lakhan Rural Municipality, Gorkha

“When our rural municipality was hit hard by the first wave of Covid-19, one of our immediate focuses went on contacting all probable organizations that could provide our local health posts Covid-19 relief related medical kits-as rapidly as possible. In this regard, I would like to mention that Together For Nepal was the first one to respond to our request. Instantaneously, we got various emergency supplies for our 9 health posts, which was a great relief. I’m really thankful for Together For Nepal’s prompt response &  support, which immensely helped our rural municipality -especially our health posts’ staff members &  the patients.”

-Ramesh Babu Thapa Magar, President, Sahid Lakhan Rural Municipality, Gorkha

“After the 2015 earthquake, Together for Nepal, in partnership with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, implemented two post-disaster recovery projects in our rural municipality. I was directly involved in many of these projects’ activities. The holistic projects -filled with series of actions related with agriculture empowerment, WASH, supports to health & school education sectors, youth empowerment, etc.- have greatly supported for the empowerment of the marginalized communities & local institutions.

Within a short span of time, the projects brought in visible impacts. For instance, a simple farmer is now able to stand on his own feet. Please join me in supporting Together For Nepal as we work
together for the betterment of our societies.”

– Durga Kumar Shakya, Former President, Netrawati-Dabjong Rural Municipality, Dhading